Will Compton Has Been Added To The Titans Injury Report For Getting A Haircut That He Is Very Proud Of


Will Compton of Barstool Sports (and the Tennessee Titans) got a new haircut today. Now, as someone who has been balding at an alarming rate for the last 6 years, I cannot comment on haircuts any longer. But as an objective viewer of the haircut, it's....FANTASTIC. No seriously. I always say if you have hair, do whatever you want with it, because one day you won't have any and you'll regret it. But everyone is roasting his haircut, and that's ok, they just don't see the vision.



His teammates shared their thoughts on it as well....and yeah.




Hey, they laughed at Columbus when he said the Earth was round, just something to remember.


Unfortunately for Comp though, the Titans had to add him to the injury report for this.



Again, I stand with Will here but our official in-house haircut aficionado gave his grade and you aren't going to like what you see…cover your children's eyes…..


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